Macabre Ladies Publishing Open Submissions
Dark Nature
Mother Nature is pissed and earth is striking back. Give us the dark side of nature, of Gaia.
This is a very open concept, but at the end of the day we want to see nature fight back in some way.
Submission Guidelines:
Must be clean and edited to the best of your ability
Submissions cannot be published elsewhere.
Simultaneous submissions okay (but please let us know if yours is accepted elsewhere)
3000-8000 words
Submissions must be 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced with special first-line indentation of 0.5"
Submissions must be in .Docx or .Doc format with 1" margins all around
No bestiality or child abuse, please. We will not be accepting graphic sexual scenes however use your discretion on what fits the story.
Submissions to be sent to macabreladies@gmail.com with the name of the anthology in the subject line
Publication and Payment
Submissions closed August 15, 2021
Announcements on accepted stories to be sent by Sept 15, 2021, a memorandum to be sent for signing at this time
October 2021 release date
A one-time payment of $15 plus author copy per acceptance
Additional author copies available at cost
13 stories to be accepted